Qualität auf allen Ebenen

Die tägliche Arbeit bei SITRA dreht sich um Qualität und Professionalität auf allen Ebenen. Wir achten auf QHSE: Qualität in Bezug auf Sicherheit, Umwelt, unsere Mitarbeiter und Kunden. Dadurch profitieren unsere Kunden vom besten Service, während wir kontinuierlich versuchen, unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu reduzieren. Wenn wir unsere Prozesse genau im Auge behalten und ständig verbessern, können wir etwas bewirken.











Die SITRA-Gruppe verfügt über die folgenden Zertifikate:

  • ISO 9001
  • DTAS
  • BRC
  • Kosher
  • AEO
  • FCA
  • Organic / ABF
  • Lean and Green Award
  • Food Defense: Clandestine entrance prevention


Aufgrund unserer Sicherheitskultur hat das Wohlbefinden unserer Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Lieferanten absoluten Vorrang. Um arbeitsbedingte Verletzungen oder Unfälle zu vermeiden, bieten wir Schulungen und neue Technologien zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung unseres umweltfreundlichen Sicherheitssystems an.



Wir versuchen, unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck durch Carbon Footprint-Analysen zu reduzieren und investieren in nachhaltige Trucks, Gebäude und Techniken. Dank unseres internen STS-Systems (Smart Transport Solution) erarbeiten wir für unsere Kunden immer die ökologischste und optimalste Lösung.



Durch die kontinuierliche Verbesserung unserer IT-Systeme und Prozesse können wir den Transport effizienter und besser organisiert gestalten. Wir gehen immer von den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Erwartungen unserer Kunden aus und setzen uns dafür ein, diese sogar zu übertreffen. Auf diese Weise erhöhen wir die Kundenzufriedenheit und bauen dauerhafte Beziehungen auf.

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Zertifikate der SITRA Group

ECO responsibility

In 2022, SITRA achieved a sustainable award for reducing its CO2 emissions. By modal shifting from road transport to intermodal solutions, SITRA is continuously reducing its CO2 emission carbon footprint. We are happy to report a reduction of 3651 tons for crossings of 2021 between France and Italy.

Michelin certificate

In 2022, SITRA NV obtained the Michelin certificate for sustainable tyre management. Tires are an important factor in road haulage, for safety and environmental reasons. This certificate is another step in further improving our carbon footprint and sustainable approach.

Truckveilig label

Truckveilig label

In 2013, SITRA Group received the Truckveilig-award, a label from VSV and the Flemish government for transport companies that make efforts for safer road transport. By signing the Truckveilig charter, we commit ourselves to meet at least 7 self-chosen action points each year, such as ensuring feasible journey schedules and concrete maintenance of our truck fleet.


Kosher (‘fit’ or ‘proper’) refers to the set of Jewish dietary laws that prescribe what food products are or aren’t fit for Jews. Food that meets these food laws is considered clean and is traditionally referred to as ‘kosher’ in English. Unclean food is called ‘terefah’ (‘forbidden’). Orthodox Jews strictly observe these laws. SITRA makes sure that all transport is carried out in compliance with the rules.


Border Force Accredition

We have established a procedure to transport goods to and from the United Kingdom as safely and efficiently as possible. Civil sanctions help road hauliers and their drivers protect their vehicles against illegal entrants. These are individuals who conceal themselves in order to bypass British border checks.

Company in balance award

Company in balance award

In 2019 SITRA Belgium won the important Company in Balance award in recognition of our considerable efforts to achieve an optimum work-life balance. A good work-life balance is the second most important reason to choose a job. Working Belgians clearly put great stock in the right balance between their professional and private lives.

AEO Certificate

AEO Certificate

An AEO certificate (Authorised Economic Operator) offers advantages in terms of international trade and is issued by customs to companies that are active on an international level. Thanks to the AEO certificate our cross-border trade is less rigorously checked and border delays are limited.



The Feed Chain Alliance standard ensures feed safety and quality throughout the entire chain.



The BRC certificate shows that our company meets the food safety requirements of the British Retail Consortium.

Lean and green award

Lean and green award

This award certifies that we are upgrading our energy efficiency and have reduced our CO2 emissions by at least 20%.

ISO 9001

Since 1992 this globally recognised standard is our guarantee of a well-organised and controlled service.


Vraag een SITRA-certificaat

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